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Grid-Tie Electric System
Be your own Electric Company!
Have you ever wanted to reduce your electric bill? Now you can with your own Wind Electric Power Station.
How it works:

When the wind blows, the grid-tie wind electric system will save you money by reducing your monthly electric bill, provide power to your home during blackouts, and help clean up the environment. The wind electric system consists of a Southwest Windpower Whisper H80 (1000 watt) or Whisper 175 (3000 watt) turbine fitted on a 24'-87' tower.
Electricity is generated when the wind blows. The power then goes through a small battery bank into an inverter, and then into the house.
The house will use the electricity from the system first, and if needed from the utility. Depending on how the system is constructed, it can even keep a portion of the house operating when the electricity from the power company goes down.

What is included:
-1000 or 3000 watt Whisper wind turbine
-A 24' - 87' foot tower (M.E. certified; Wet Seals available)
-Xantrex/Trace Sine-wave utility-tie inverter
-Batteries for back-up system
-Utility switch box
-Battery system box
-Hardware and installation components

What You Can Expect to Save:

System A - 1000 watt system

A grid tie system with a  Whisper H80 wind turbine. One can expect to save 20% off their electric bill given and average wind speed of 12 mph. Calculations are based on a home using $100 per month of electricity at a cost of $.12 per kWh

System B - 3000 watt system

A grid tie system with a  Whisper 175 wind turbine. One can expect to save 60% off their electric bill given and average wind speed of 12 mph. Calculations are based on a home using $100 per month of electricity at a cost of $.12 per kWh
*Savings depend on average annual wind speed, tower height, electrical cost and average electric bill.

Is a grid-tie wind electric system right for me?

They are not for everyone. There are few factors to consider prior to moving forward. These systems require a tower that can take up a considerable amount of area.
If the following conditions apply
I own my own home
My property is at least ½ an acre
My homeowners association or city/county does not restrict towers
The average wind speed in my area exceeds 9 mph.
Please see the US Department of Energy wind maps for your state to determine the wind speed in your area. The wind maps can be found on-line at:

My utility allows "distributed" power systems (please contact your State energy office for allowances).


California offers a rebate program for up to 50% off the cost of your grid-tie wind electric system!

More information on incentives for renewable energy on a state-by-state basis can be found on-line from the University of North Carolina at: and the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) at: